We are fortunate to work in collaboration with Winchester Goalball and E3Adventures supporting the players on their first residential trip without their parents. The information below has been kindly supplied by players and parents
Postponed from 2020, in the summer of 2021 Winchester Goalball Club took 10 blind and visually impaired teenagers on our first residential trip, without their parents. There were three main aims for this trip:
On the trip, we completed activities such as: climbing, abseiling, hiking and canyoning.
For both players and parents alike, the trip was a host of new adventures and therefore prior to the week away, E3Adventures met with the group to talk through what everyone might expect from the trip. This hugely settled nerves and gave everyone the confidence that we were going to have a super experience.
The staff at E3Adventures were fantastic. They quickly reacted to the needs of all the players, adapting their teaching and leadership skills to make the accessible for blind and partially sighted teenagers.
The week gave the players a fantastic platform to develop as both individuals and the group. They did not only push themselves physically and mentally through the numerous activities, but also the chance to live life away from their parents and pick up new essential life skills.
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